Friday 21 October 2011

Thursday 20 October 2011

Web Assessment 1: Turn your Client Needs Survey into an online form

Please use the scroll bar to the right of the form to see the entire form.

Sunday 2 October 2011

2D Animation Assessment: Animate to Dialogue

Second attempt with pendulum swinging, clock ticking and strike :)

First attempt

Tuesday 16 August 2011

2D Animation LA10: Rotoscope a Video Sequence

For the sake of sanity, I have added a play button at the start ... the constant evil laughter on my blog lasted less than 10 minutes before it got on my nerves.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

2D Animation Assessment: 7 Deadly Sins

My 7 Deadly Sins slideshow ... otherwise known as "the 7 deadly Zacs"

Friday 8 July 2011

2D Animation LA1: Draw a ship or boat at a mooring

OK ... so I know we did not have to animate this learning activity ... but Zac and I had so much fun doing it!

2D Animation LA1: Draw a ship or boat at a mooring

This is my version of a "ship or boat at a mooring" ... with artwork courtesy of my son, Zac ...


Sunday 3 April 2011

Design Module Assessment: Promote Your Blog

I chose a minimalist approach.  My son Zac is looking down in surprise and amazement at what his mum has produced.  His iris has been transformed into the background image used on my blog, to give a feeling of continuity between the artwork and the blog.  The only text I have used is the blog title "watch this space" and URL.  I have tried to give an overall feeling of "what's that about? I have to go see".

Since orange is my new favourite colour and my new blog background, I have changed my blog ad to match :)
First attempt
Second attempt
Zac now wants his real
eyes to look like this!

Digital Imaging Module Assessment: Producing Heroshots

First attempt
Second attempt
First attempt
Second attempt

Sunday 27 March 2011

Digital Imaging LA11: Shooting Motion

Unfortunately, my camera is not capable of taking motion photos with the background blurred.  For this activity, I have used Photoshop's motion blur filter.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Digital Imaging LA10: PNG Logo


Digital Imaging LA9: Making Backgrounds for Web Pages

I like this background as the colours are easy to look and not overly distracting.  The plane overlapping onto the background image is very effective in portraying the feeling of soaring through the clouds.

Created using method 2
Created using method 4
Created using method 5

Digital Imaging LA8: Web Image Formats

I have chosen to combine green with orange for my layout as I believe the contrasting colours work well together.  The base structure of the layout is a 5x3 grid, and the images have been set out to hopefully give structure and balance.

The images chosen represent recycling and earth-friendly products, with the larger tree image to emphasise the environment and remind us what we are protecting by living a green lifestyle.

First attempt
Second attempt
Third attempt
Final attempt

Digital Imaging LA7: Combining Images Using Layer Masks


Digital Imaging LA6: Making Selections & Combining Images

This is my first attempt
This is another idea I was playing with

Digital Imaging LA5: Adjustment Levels


Friday 25 March 2011

Digital Imaging LA4: Cropping An Image

The distracting background
has been cropped out to
bring focus to the peacock
The subject has been
moved from the centre
to add interest
The sign has been
cropped to emphasise it
The image has been cropped
to landscape which gives
more focus to the pumpkin